Share some CCNP 300-135 exam questions and answers below.
What is the solution of the fault condition?
A. Under the ip access-list edge_security configuration add the permit ip any command
B. Under the interface Serial0/0/1 enter the ip access-group edge_security out command.
C. Under the ip access-list edge_security configuration delete the deny ip any command
D. Under the interface Serial0/0/0 configuration delete the ip access-group edge_security in command and enter the ip access group edge_security out command
Answer: A
What is the solution of the fault condition?
A. Under the BGP process,enter the bgp redistribute-internal command
B. Under the BGP process, bgp confederation identifier 65001 command
C. Delete the current BGP process and reenter all of the commands using 65002 as the AS number.
D. Under the BGP process, delete the neighbor remote-as 65002 command enter the neighbor remote-as 65002 command.
Answer: D
The Fault Condition is related to which technology?
D. IPv4 OSPF Routing
E. IPv4 OSPF Redistribution
F. IPv6 OSPF Routing
G. IPv4 layer 3 security
Answer: C
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