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Share some CCIE Security 400-251 exam questions and answers below.
Which three attributes may be configured as part of the Common Tasks panel of an authorization profile in the Cisco ISE solution? (Choose three.)
B. voice VLAN
C. dACL name
D. voice domain permission
Answer: A, C, D
According ISO27001 ISMS, which of the following are mandatory documents? (Choose 4)
A. ISMS Policy
B. Corrective Action Procedure
C. IS Procedures
D. Risk Assessment Reports
E. Complete Inventory of all information assets
Answer: A, B, C, D
Which three statements about the Cisco IPS sensor are true? (Choose three.)
A. You cannot pair a VLAN with itself.
B. For a given sensing interface, an interface used in a VLAN pair can be a member of another inline interface pair.
C. For a given sensing interface, a VLAN can be a member of only one inline VLAN pair, however, a given VLAN can be a member of an inline VLAN pair on more than one sensing interface.
D. The order in which you specify the VLANs in a inline pair is significant.
E. A sensing interface in inline VLAN pair mode can have from 1 to 255 inline VLAN pairs.
Answer: A, C, E
Passtcert free update our training materials, which means you will always get the latest CCIE Security Written Exam (v5.0) 400-251 CCIE Security exam latest dumps. If 400-251 exam objectives change, The learning materials Passtcert provided will follow the change. Passtcert know the needs of each candidate, we will help you through your 400-251 exam certification. We help each candidate to pass the exam with best price and highest quality.
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