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Share some HCIE-Cloud H13-531 exam questions and answers below.
Huawei FusionSphere OpenStack proceeds the commercial enhancement based on the OpenStack community version, which of the following services belong to Huawei's developed enhanced features? (Multiple choice)
A. Cloud Start Service CBS
B. Cloud Distribution Service CPS
C. Graphical business management interface
D. OpenStack Cascading Scheme
Answer: ABC
Which of the following steps are involved in the migration process for Huawei FusionSphere services?
A. Migration assessment
B. Program design
C. Migration implementation
D. Migration and acceptance
Answer: ABCD
Under the scenarios of Huawei FusionAccess application virtualization, which of the following way can the client through to get to the application list?
A. HDC returns to the application list according to the MAC address of the client
B. HDC returns to the application list according to the IP address of the client
C. HDC returns to the application list according to the client's user name
D. HDC returns to the application list according to the user's user group name
Answer: C
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