Now in such a Internet so developed society, choosing online training is a very common phenomenon. Passtcert is one of many online training websites. Passtcert Logical Operations CFR-210 practice questions has many years of experience, which can provide high quality learning material for examinee participating in Logical Operations certification CFR-210 exam and satisfy all the needs of the students.In order to protect the vital interests of each IT certification exams candidate, Passtcert provides high-quality Logical Operations CFR-210 practice questions.
Share some Cybersec First Responder CFR-210 exam questions and answers below.
A computer attacker has compromised a system by implanting a script that will send 10B packages over port 150. This port is also used for sending heartbeat messages to a central monitoring server.Which of the following BEST describes the tactic used to execute this attack?
A. Covert channels
B. Logic bomb
C. Backdoors
D. ICMP redirect
Answer: A
Which of the following are reasons that a hacker would execute a DoS or a DDoS attack? (Choose two.)
A. To determine network bandwidth
B. To distract the incident response team
C. To distract the remediation team
D. To promote business operations
E. To compromise a system and reuse the IP address
Answer: A,B
A malicious attacker has compromised a database by implementing a Python-based script that will automatically establish an SSH connection daily between the hours of 2:00am and 5:00am . Which of the following is the MOST common motive for the attack vector that was used?
A. Pivoting
B. Persistence/maintaining access
C. Exfiltration
D. Lateral movement
Answer: D
Our Passtcert provide you Logical Operations CFR-210 practice questions. Passtcert professional IT team will provide you with the latest training tools to help you realize their dreams earlier. Passtcert have the best quality and the latest Logical Operations CFR-210 practice questions and they can help you pass the Logical Operations certification CFR-210 exam successfully.
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