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Share some CCNP Collaboration 300-070 exam questions and answers below.
You are a Voice Engineer at ABC Company. You want to implement a voice translation profile to perform the following manipulation: The incoming DNIS 9876562XXX should be modified to 2XXX. Which four commands are required to configure the translation profile? (Choose four.)
A. voice translation-rule 1
B. rule 1 /^ 9876562/ /2/
C. voice translation-profile incoming-calls
D. translate called 1
E. rule 1 /^ 9876562$/ /2/ type subscriber
F. translation-profile incoming incoming-calls
G. translate calling 1
H. translate called rule 1
Answer: A,B,C,D
Which three commands show the output of an active video call? (Choose three.)
A. show vrm active_calls
B. show call active video brief
C. show voip rtp connections
D. show voice call
E. show voice call summary
F. show video dsp
Answer: B,C,E
Which three CLI commands allow you to verify the correct VoIP dial-peer matching? (Choose three.)
A. debug ccsip messages
B. debug voip ccapi inout
C. debug dialpeer match
D. debug voip dialpeer inout
E. show dialplan number
Answer: B,D,E
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